Monday, 1 June 2009

The (fill in the blank) son returns

 Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the positive response to the blog! It really has been fantastic. Secondly I would like to apologise for the lack of blogging’. That’s my bad as the kids say! Pleasantries out the way, I’ll move on.


Parents. At the risk of sounding like a teenager, I believe that every student goes through this. You move away from home and find your independence yet the moment you walk back through the door of your parent’s house you suddenly do feel like a teenager again. It’s the usual agendas that you thought you had escaped such as bedtimes. Yes, bedtimes. The clock hits 11 and my parents inquire as to why I'm not in bed. The second, I'm sure is universal. Food. Now this has its advantages as a poor student. You get your fill of all the stuff you couldn’t afford or just forgot to buy. Then your mother forces you to eat fruit and you the joys of a pizza breakfast come flooding back. These are little gripes and before blogging turns to whinging I concur with the great Stephen Fry who quoted George Burns (I don’t know which Wikipedia says there are many and I hear him say it on QI) I digress. The quote is:


“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”


Just don’t tell your mum that.


Sunscreen summer revisited. Well the power and beauty of my youth was not enough power to make gladiator sandals to look good on male chicken legs. Therefore I failed Baz on that one. However sunscreen summer is well under way with:


Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as

effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing

bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that

never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm

on some idle Tuesday.


Well the song states not to worry. And to be honest at the moment, for this week at home as long as I'm in at a decent hour and up before 12 well… Let’s see how this goes shall we?